Vinca minor 'Dart's Blue'

Dart's Blue common periwinkle

CODE: 01D-0007
ZONE: 4a
PRICE: $5.00
POT SIZE: 4.5"sq x 3.5", 475 ml

This sport of 'Bowles Variety' has blue flowers (slightly more pale than 'Bowles Variety') instead of the traditional lilac-lavender blooms. The flowers are still larger and the leaves just as clean and glossy as its parent, though!

Like most Vinca vines it will produce fewer blooms in deep shade, so if you can give it partial shade it will be happiest. It will fill a space faster if grown in organic, moist, well-drained soil, but it will also grow quite well in heavy clay as long as it gets adequate moisture.

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(c) 2007 Christopher P. Lindsey