Geranium renardii

Renard's geranium

CODE: 00B-0018
ZONE: 5a
PRICE: $10.00
POT SIZE: 4.5"sq x 5.0", 1004 ml

When I first met this species I generally thought of hardy geraniums as all being the same -- they liked moisture, liked a little bit of shade, and generally all had the same type of deeply incised leaf. Renard's geranium challenged these preconceptions and opened my eyes to a whole other range of geraniums.

Now, twelve years later, I hope that I can open your eyes to the possibilities if you're not yet familiar with this great performer.

It's actually a great plant for dry, well-drained areas, forming a tight little clump of grey-green scalloped foliage that provides interest all summer long. From that clump large white blooms with violet veins stand up on thick stalks to track the sun.

I've grown this in clay soil in partial shade with no water, but the plant hasn't performed nearly as well as the other one planted in a gravel bed in full sun. Good drainage is probably the most important issue with this species.

In the fall, cut the foliage back to about an inch or so above the ground, then wait patiently for your reward next spring.

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(c) 2007 Christopher P. Lindsey